Shutter-Speed and Aperture Lock
Shutter speed lock is available in shutter-priority auto and manual
exposure modes, aperture lock in aperture-priority auto and
manual exposure modes.
Shutter speed and aperture lock are not
available in programmed auto exposure mode.
1 Assign shutter speed and aperture lock to a camera
Select Shutter spd & aperture lock as the “Press + command
dials” option in the Custom Settings menu (0 332). Shutter
speed and aperture lock can be assigned to the Fn button
(Custom Setting f3, Assign Fn button, 0 328), the Pv button
(Custom Setting f4, Assign preview button, 0 333), or the
center of the sub-selector (Custom Setting f6, Assign sub-
selector center, 0 333).
2 Lock shutter speed and/or aperture.
Shutter speed (exposure modes f and h): Press the selected control
and rotate the main command dial until F icons appear in the
viewfinder and top control panel.
To unlock shutter speed, press the control and rotate the main
command dial until the F icons disappear from the displays.
Fn button Main command dial