Getting to Know the Camera
Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with camera controls
and displays.
You may find it helpful to bookmark this section and
refer to it as you read through the rest of the manual.
Camera Body
1 D button
Bracketing.......141, 145, 149, 335
2 Release mode dial
lock release ....................................111
3 Eyelet for camera strap............... xxii
4 M button
Flash mode.................................200
Flash compensation.................202
5 Y button
6 Release mode dial........................111
7 Power switch.............................10, 40
8 Shutter-release button ...........43, 44
9 Movie-record button............65, 339
10 E button
Exposure compensation.........137
11 I/Q button
Exposure mode.........................125
Formatting memory cards .......36
12 Eyelet for camera strap ............... xxii
13 Top control panel ............................. 7
14 Focal plane mark (E).................109
15 Diopter adjustment control.........38
16 Accessory shoe
(for optional flash unit)........17, 191
17 Accessory shoe cover
..........................................17, 191, 410