More on Photography
Understanding the Exposure Displays
The exposure displays show the amount pictures will be under- or over-exposed at the
values currently selected for shutter speed and aperture.
The control panel display is in EVs, rounded to the nearest
EV. If the picture would be under- over-exposed by more than
9 EV, the display will show a fl ashing –9 (underexposure) or
+9 (overexposure). If no operations are performed for about
eight seconds, the display in the control panel will be replaced
by the number of exposures remaining.
The exposure display in the monitor or electronic viewfi nder
shows the amount exposure deviates from the value suggest-
ed by the camera in EVs (–2 to +2 EV in increments of
3 EV).
(Values in EVs)
–2 ±0 +2
–1 +1
Underexposed Overexposed
Long Time Exposures
For long time exposures of up to ten minutes, set Continuous ( 88) to Single
and rotate the command dial to select a shutter speed of BULB or TIME. The length
of time the shutter will remain open depends on the option selected for Exposure
options > Bulb / Time ( 99):
• Bulb release: When BULB is selected for shutter speed, the
shutter will remain open for as long as the shutter-release
button is held down, to a maximum of ten minutes.
• Timed release: When TIME is selected for shutter speed,
the shutter will open when the shutter-release button is
pressed and remain open until the shutter-release button
is pressed again or the time selected in the Timed release
menu has elapsed.
To prevent blurring caused by camera shake, turn the self timer on and use the ML-L3
wireless remote ( 42). When BULB or TIME is selected for shutter speed, the shutter
will open when the remote control shutter-release button is pressed and remain open
until the shutter-release button is pressed again or the specifi ed time has elapsed (ten
minutes at a shutter speed of BULB).
If possible, use a tripod to prevent blurring caused by camera shake (turn vibration re-
duction off when using a tripod). To reduce mottling, use noise reduction ( 109).