Choose On to fi x exposure and auto
white balance for entire movie at val-
ues for fi rst frame, Off to meter new
values for exposure and white balance
with each shot. Press center of multi
selector to return to shooting mode.
Start recording. Camera will take
pictures at specifi ed interval until shut-
ter-release button is pressed again,
memory card is full, or 1050 frames
have been recorded.
Use a Reliable Power Source
If possible, use the optional EH-54 AC adapter when recording time-lapse movies.
During Recording
To save power, the monitor and electronic viewfi nder turn off between frames. The
display turns on automatically immediately before the camera takes the next shot.
Image Quality
The fi le size of time lapse movies varies greatly depending on the option selected for
image quality. If HI or RAW is selected, image quality will automatically be set to EXTRA.
Movies recorded at settings of EXTRA, FINE, and NORMAL may seem slightly jerky when
viewed on the camera but will play back normally when displayed on a computer.
AE Lock
When On is selected for AE lock, a yellow AE-L icon will be
displayed, indicating that exposure and white balance will be
locked with the fi rst shot. Once the fi rst shot is taken, the icon
will turn white.
Movie Files
Movies are recorded as QuickTime movie fi les with the extension “.MOV” and names
consisting of “INTN” (time-lapse movies) or “DSCN” (other movies) plus a four-digit fi le
number assigned by adding one to the highest fi le number in the current folder (e.g.,
“INTN0001.MOV” or “DSCN0015.MOV”). Movies can be played back on a computer
after transfer.