Adjusting fl ash settings [Flash Settings]
Adjusting fl ash settings [Flash Settings]
(Camera menu) X Flash Settings
Submenu 2 Submenu 3 Application
Off/On Choose whether to use slow shutter speeds when using the fl ash.
# Sync # Sync 1/# Sync 2
Control fl ash timing. (If [# Sync 1] is selected, the fl ash will fi re
immediately after the shutter opens. If [# Sync 2] is selected, the fl ash
will fi re just before the shutter closes so that moving light sources appear
to be followed by streams of light.)
# RC Mode
Off/On Choose whether to use a wireless fl ash unit.
Note that when [On] for [# RC Mode], pictures will only be taken if a wireless fl ash unit is available.
Choosing the bracketing increment and number of shots [Bracket Settings]
Choosing the bracketing increment and number of shots [Bracket Settings]
(Camera menu) X Bracket Settings
Submenu 2 Application
Off/3f 0.3EV/3f 0.7EV/
3f 1.0EV/3f 1.3EV/3f 1.7EV
Vary exposure over a sequence of three shots. (The camera takes three
shots while the shutter button is pressed all the way down, the fi rst at the
metered exposure value, and the second under and the third over the
metered value by the selected amount.)
A-B (Amber – Blue):
Off/3f 2Step/3f 4Step/
3f 6Step
G-M (Green – Magenta):
Off/3f 2Step/3f 4Step/
3f 6Step
Each time a picture is taken, the camera creates three images, each with
a different hue (white balance) to A-B, or G-M direction.
Exposure is modifi ed by varying shutter speed and aperture (mode P), shutter speed (mode A), or aperture (mode S).
No pictures will be taken if there is insuffi cient space on the memory card for all the pictures in the bracketing
The bracketing increment is added to the value selected for exposure or white balance compensation.