For information on using the menus, see “Using the Menus” (p. 6).
[JPEG Edit]
Choose from the following options:
Submenu 2 Application
Shadow Adj Brighten dark backlit subjects.
Redeye Fix
Reduce red-eye in pictures taken with
the fl ash.
Crop images.
Change the aspect ratio from 4:3
(standard) to [3:2], [16:9], or [6:6].
After selecting an aspect ratio, use
FGHI to position the crop.
Black & White Convert images to black and white.
Sepia Convert images to sepia.
Saturation Adjust the vividness of colors.
Convert images to 1280 × 960, 640 ×
480, or 320 × 240.
Make the skin of portrait subjects
more smooth and translucent.
Not available with some images.
Applies only to images with an aspect ratio of 4:3
Images with an aspect ratio other than 4:3 (standard)
are converted to the closest available size. Sizes larger
than the original size are not avaialble.
[JPEG Edit] is not available if there is insuffi cient
space on the memory card or with RAW images,
images that have been processed on a computer, or
images recorded with another make of camera.
Retouching red-eye in pictures taken with
Retouching red-eye in pictures taken with
the fl ash [Redeye Fix]
1 Select an image using HI and press A.
The edited copy is saved to a separate fi le.
This option may have no effect with some images.
The quality of the retouched copy may be lower than
the original.
Cropping images [
1 Select an image using HI and press A.
2 Size the crop using the zoom lever and use FGHI
to position the crop.
3 Press A once you have selected the crop.
The edited copy is saved to a separate fi le.