Epi-llluminators PM-LSD 2
This pair of illuminators offers
vertical illumination essential to
macrophotography. The height
of the illuminator is adjustable
on the tall pillar, suitable to over-
stage or substage illumination.
When used with the Trans-illumi-
nator Base X-DE, the Illuminator
supplies transmitted light. Focus-
ing is adjustable by shifting the
bulb filament. A 6V to 8V varia-
ble transformer is provided.
Eight filters are available in vari-
ous sizes, including color, black
and white, neutral density, etc.
for transparent or translucent
Trans-llluminator LSD
is a
illuminator for use with the X-
DE Trans-llluminator Base. When
the Lieberkuhn Reflector is add-
ed, vertical light is also available.
A 6V, 30W bulb is built-in. The
condenser travels 18mm by rack
and pinion for converging, di-
verging and parallel adjustments
Lieberkuhn Reflector PM-
Lieberkuhn Reflector PM-
These reflectors are available for
use with the 20mm and 38mm
Macro Lenses. When used with
the LSD Trans-llluminator, they
make it possible to take photo-
graphs with excellent penetra-
of light. Complete with trans-
former and square filter 60 x
45C. Provided with a filter hold-
er for attachment of various
OLYMPUS filters, round and
tion and lack of shadows.
Centering Mirror PM-ELCS
For use with these PM-EL units
for accurate centration or for
use with the Trans-llluminator
Base X-DE.