System: OLYMPUS OM System.
Camera type: 35mm Single Lens Reflex with auto-
matic exposure control electronic focal plane
Film format: 24mm x 36mm.
Lens mount: OLYMPUS OM Mount, bayonet
type; rotation angle 70°, flange back focus
distance 46mm.
Shutter: Focal plane shutter, automatic exposure
control from 120 seconds to 1 /1,000 second
(ASA 100, F1.2, at normal temperature and
humidity). Manual exposure: B, 1—1/1,000
sec., ring mounted control.
Synchro: FR-X switch type contact, incorr.ect
flash prevention. (Accessory shoe mount for
X contact)
Automatic exposure control: Aperture-preferred
automatic exposure control electronic shutter
type. TTL Direct (off-the-film) Light Measur-
ing System. Measuring range: EV-6.5 to EV18
(at ASA 100 with F1.2 lens).
Exposure range: Shutter speeds from 120 sec. to
1/1,000 sec, (at normal temperatures and
humidities). Light sensors: 2 SBC sensors.
Large exposure compensation dial: ±2EV
(within the ASA film speed range). Automatic
flash exposure: Direct contacts for TTL Auto
Flash (full automatic flash with T32, T20 or
T10 electronic flash).
Manual exposure: TTL type. Measuring system:
Full aperture center-weighted metering. Meas-
uring range: EV1.5-EV17 (ASA 100 with
F1.2 standard lens). Light sensors: 2 CdS sen-
Zero-method with needle visible in viewfinder.
Film speed setting: ASA 12—1600, set by lifting
and rotating film speed dial.
Auto/Manual selection: By selector lever.
Power source: Two 1.5V silver oxide batteries
SR44 (Eveready EPX-76 or equivalent).
Battery check: 3-stage battery check lamp (light
emitting diode) indicates full voltage, deplet-
ed charge, and exhaustion of batteries. Shut-
ter lock to limit drainage.
Mirror unlock: Mirror lock-up can be released
simultaneously with battery check.
Viewfinder: Pentaprism type wide-vision finder.
Focusing screens: Wide selection of interchange-
able screens.
Supplied with Focusing Screen 1—13 (micro-
prism split image matter type).
Finder view-field: 97% of actual picture field.
Viewfinder magnification: 0.92X at infinity with
50mm- lens.
Apparent field of view: Vertical 23°30', horizon-
Indicators in viewfinder: 3-stage selector lever.
(Auto: Shutter speed indicator. — Manual: ex-
posure index. — Off: nothing). Exposure com-
pensation marker. Charge/Auto check lamp