
CIP Message Communications Appendix D
Priority/Time Ticks and Time Out Ticks
Format of the Priority/Time Tick
Time tick Base value (ms) Maximum time-out time (ms) that can be set
in the time out ticks
0000 hex 1 255
0001 hex 2 510
0010 hex 4 1,020
0011 hex 8 2,040
0100 hex 16 4,080
0101 hex 32 8,160
0110 hex 64 16,320
0111 hex 128 32,640
1000 hex 256 65,280
1001 hex 512 130,560
1010 hex 1,024 261,120
1011 hex 2,048 522,240
1100 hex 4,096 1,044,480
1101 hex 8,192 2,088,960
1110 hex 16,389 4,177,920
1111 hex 32,768 8,355,840