FINS Commands Addressed to EtherNet/IP Units or Built-in EtherNet/IP Ports Appendix E
5. The number of received ICMP packets discarded because the type-indication code was out of range.
6. The number of received ICMP packets discarded because the overall packet length value in the packet
header was smaller than the minimum ICMP packet length.
7. The number of received ICMP packets discarded because of an incorrect checksum value in the packet
8. The number of received ICMP packets discarded because the ICMP header length value in the packet head-
er did not match the lengths of individual header types.
9. The number of responses returned to received ICMP packets requiring a response.
10. Total number of inputs of each packet type during ICMP input. The 19 statistical values are returned in the
order shown below. Contents are defined for 13 types only; all other types contain 0.
TCP Status (Response)
Three types (46 items) of TCP status information occupying 4 bytes each are returned in the following
sequence. Each value is returned as an 8-digit hexadecimal value.
1) Connection Information (60 Bytes)
Fifteen items are returned in the following sequence:
#6, #7 Undefined, always 0
#8 Echo
#9, #10 Undefined, always 0
#11 Time exceeded
#12 Parameter problem
#13 Time stamp
#14 Time stamp reply
#15 Information request
#16 Information request reply
#17 Address mask request
#18 Address mask reply
Type number Description
Type number Description
#0 Echo reply
#1, #2 Undefined, always 0
#3 Destination unreachable
#4 Source quench
#5 Routing redirect
#6, #7 Undefined, always 0
#8 Echo
#9, #10 Undefined, always 0
#11 Time exceeded
#12 Parameter problem
#13 Time stamp
#14 Time stamp reply
#15 Information request
#16 Information request reply
#17 Address mask request
#18 Address mask reply
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #15 #16 #17 #18
4 b