Setting Tag Data Links Section 6-2
7. Select the port for the EtherNet/IP Unit and then click the OK Button. The
Network Configurator will be connected to the EtherNet/IP network. If the
Network Configurator goes online normally, “On-line” will be displayed in
the status bar at the bottom of the window.
Connecting to an EtherNet/IP Network via an Ethernet Unit
Note (1) Windows firewall settings must be changed when this connection is made
for the first time using Windows XP (SP2 or higher), Vista, or Windows 7.
Refer to Appendix G Precautions for Using Windows XP, Vista, or Win-
dows 7: Using EtherNet/IP with Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 for in-
formation on how to make the changes.
(2) Use the CX-Integrator to correctly set the FINS routing tables for the CS/
CJ-series CPU Unit that will be the relay node.
1,2,3... 1. Select Option - Select Interface - Ethernet
Select the TCP port of the EtherNet/IP Unit.
Network Configurator on
Windows computer
Ethernet Unit
EtherNet/IP Unit
CPU Unit
EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port
CJ2 CPU Unit