Overview of Memory Allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit Section 4-1
4-1 Overview of Memory Allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit
The following CPU Unit words are allocated to the EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in
EtherNet/IP port.
• CPU Unit’s allocated CIO Area words
Contains software switch and status information.
• CPU Unit’s allocated DM Area words
Contains the IP Address Display/Setting Area
• CPU Unit’s user settings area
Contains status information. (This area can be used only when the allo-
cated CIO Area words are set to user settings.)
Note The EtherNet/IP Unit or built-in EtherNet/IP port has the following
two data areas in its non-volatile memory. (Unlike the Ethernet
Units, settings are not stored in the CPU Unit’s CPU Bus Unit Sys-
tem Setup Area.)
• Unit Setup: Settings such as the IP address and FINS/UDP set-
tings. The Unit Setup is set from the CX-Programmer.
• Device parameter settings: Settings such as the tag data link set-
ting parameters. The device parameter settings are made from the
Network Configurator.