Troubleshooting with Response Codes Section 10-6
02: Remote node
01 IP address of remote node not set cor-
rectly in IP address table or IP router table.
Set IP address of remote node into IP address
table and, if internetwork transmission is
required, into the IP router table.
02 No node with the specified unit address. Check the remote node’s unit address and
make sure the correct one is being used in the
control data.
05 Message packet was corrupted by trans-
mission error.
Check the protocol and controller status by
reading them with FINS commands. Increase
the number of transmit retry attempts.
Response time-out, response watchdog
timer interval too short.
Increase the value for the response monitor
time in the control data.
The transmission frame may be corrupted
or the internal reception buffer full.
Read out the error log and correct as required.
03: Communica-
tions controller
01 Error occurred in the communications con-
troller, ERC indicator is lit.
Take corrective action, referring to troubleshoot-
ing procedures in this section.
02 CPU Unit error occurred in the PC at the
remote node.
Check CPU Unit indicators at the remote node
and clear the error in the CPU Unit (refer to the
PC’s operation manuals)
04 Unit number setting error Make sure the unit number is within the speci-
fied range and that the same unit number is not
used twice in the same network.
04: Not execut-
(Service not sup-
01 An undefined command has been used. Check the command code and be sure the
command is supported by the Unit to which you
are sending it.
A short frame (4 bytes) is being used for
the FINS header frame.
Check the FINS header frame length. The
Ethernet Unit does not support short headers.
05: Routing error 01 Remote node is not set in the routing
Set the destination address in the routing
02 Routing tables aren’t registered com-
Set routing tables at the local node, remote
node, and any relay nodes.
03 Routing table error Set the routing tables correctly.
04 The maximum number of relay nodes (2)
was exceeded in the command.
Redesign the network or reconsider the routing
table to reduce the number of relay nodes in the
command. Communications are possible on
three network levels, including the local net-
10: Command for-
mat error
01 The command is longer than the max. per-
missible length.
Check the command format of the command
and set it correctly. Be sure broadcast transmis-
sions don’t exceed 1,473 bytes.
02 The command is shorter than min. permis-
sible length.
Check the command format of the command
and set it correctly.
03 The designated number of data items dif-
fers from the actual number in the com-
mand data.
Check the number of items and the data, and
make sure that they agree.
05 Data for another node on the same net-
work was received from the network.
Check the header parameters in the command
data and be sure the correct command format
is being used.
An attempt was made to send response
data for a broadcast address.
Main code Sub-
Probable cause Remedy