Auxiliary Area Data Appendix E
Read/Write Bits
A410 A41000 to
CPU Bus Unit Num-
ber Duplication
The Duplication Error Flag (A40113) and the
corresponding flag in A410 will be turned ON when
a CPU Bus Unit’s unit number has been
duplicated. Bits 00 to 15 correspond to unit numbers
0 to F.
The ERR/ALM indicator on the front of the CPU Unit
will light and CPU operation will stop.
0: No duplication
1: Duplication
A417 A41700 to
CPU Bus Unit Error,
Unit Number Flags
When an error occurs in a data exchange between
the CPU Unit and a CPU Bus Unit, the CPU Bus
Unit Error Flag (A40207) and the
corresponding flag in A417 are turned ON. Bits 00
to 15 correspond to unit numbers 0 to F.
The ERR/ALM indicator on the front of the CPU Unit
will flash, but CPU operation will continue.
0: No error
1: Error
A427 A42700 to
CPU Bus Unit Set-
ting Error, Unit
Number Flags
When a CPU Bus Unit Setting Error occurs, A40203
and the corresponding flag in A27 are turned ON.
Bits 00 to 15 correspond to unit numbers 0 to F.
The ERR/ALM indicator on the front of the CPU Unit
will flash, but CPU operation will continue.
0: No setting error
1: Setting error
Word Bits Name Description Settings
A501 A50100 to
CPU Bus Unit
Restart Bits
Bits A50100 through A50115 can be turned ON to
reset CPU Bus Units number #0 through #15,
The Restart Bits are turned OFF automatically when
restarting is completed.
The CPU Bus Unit Initializing Flags (A30200 to
A30215) will turn ON when initialization of the Units
begins and turn OFF when it is completed.
OFF to ON:
Unit restarted.
Automatically turned
OFF by system after
restart processing
has been completed.
Word(s) Bit(s) Name Function Settings