Error Processing Section 9-2
9-2-9 Cycle Time Overrun Error Check
9-2-10 System Setup Error Check
Not cause
of error
The program execution time exceeded the
watch cycle time. Increase the watch cycle
time setting in the System Setup.
Cycle Time Overrun Error
Is the assumed
cycle time less than the
watch cycle time set in the
System Setup?
Are interrupts
being used?
Is the Max.
Interrupt Processing Time
setting OK?
It is possible that the error occurred
because the interrupt task execution time
was too long.
It is possible that the error occurred
because two or more interrupt tasks were
executed. Check how often interrupt tasks
are executed.
There may be an error in the program.
Check all tasks, particularly instructions that
control loops ,such as the JMP instruction.
#0154 hex (340)
Other value
Set the proecessing mode correctly.
System Setup Error occurred
What is in
the System Setup Error
Location (A406)?
A communications error may have occurred
during the transfer from the CX-Programmer.
Transfer the System Setup again.