Programming Appendix A
Motion Control Module I/O Response Time
Minimum I/O Response Time (General-purpose I/O 0 to 3)
The I/O response time is shortest when the input refresh is executed immediately after a Motion Control Mod-
ule detects an input, as shown in the figure below.
The minimum I/O response time is the total of the Input ON delay, the Cycle time, and the Output ON delay.
• Cyclic Output Refresh Time
Minimum I/O response time = 0.03 + 0.194 + 0.1 = 0.324 (ms)
Note Input interrupts and the IORF(097) instruction can be used to obtain a faster response (100
µs typical).
Maximum I/O Response Time
The I/O response time is longest when a Motion Control Module detects an input immediately after input
refresh has been executed, as shown in the figure below. The response time will be one cycle longer than for
the minimum I/O response time.
The maximum I/O response time is the total of the Input ON delay, (the Cycle time
× 2), and the Output ON
• Cyclic Output Refresh Time
Maximum I/O response time = 0.03 + 0.388 + 0.1 = 0.518 (ms)
Input contact
Input bit
Internal processing
Input ON delay
Cycle time
Cyclic output refresh
Output ON delay
I/O refresh
Overseeing processing
Output contact
Instruction execution Instruction execution
Input ON delay
Output ON delay
I/O refresh
Cycle time
Instruction execution Instruction execution Instruction execution
Input bit
Internal processing
Cyclic output refresh
Overseeing processing
Output contact