Specifications Appendix A
Communications Specifications
For a Host Link, RS-232C
* When using an NT-AL001, the specifications are as follows.
• RS-232C cable: Max. 2 m
• RS-422A cable: Total length 500 m max.
Programming Console function Executes functions equivalent to those of a C200H-PRO27-E Programming Console
for CPM1, CPM1A, CPM2A, CPM2C, CQM1 (-EV1 only), CQM1H, C200HX/HG/
HE(-Z)E, and SRM1 (C02-V2 only) PLCs.
Executes functions as a Programming Console for CS/CJ-series PLC.
Device Monitor function The Device Monitor function can be used to change the PLC’s operating mode, read/
change words in the PLC’s data areas, and display the PLC’s error log. Compatible
PLCs include the CPM1, CPM1A, CPM2A, CPM2C, CQM1, CQM1H, C200HX/HG/
HE(-Z)E, SRM1, and CS/CJ-series PLCs.
Mathematical function Up to 256 calculation expressions can be registered along with the screen data. The
mathematical function reads the required data from numeral memory tables or host
words, executes the registered calculations, and writes the results.
Arithmetic operators, logic operators, bit operators, and comparative operators can be
System program
Downloads the system program from the system installer
Downloads/Upload the system program with a Memory Unit.
Screen data
- Function for downloading screen data to and uploading screen data from the
Support Tool
- Function for transmitting screen data to and from the Memory Unit.
History data
Function for uploading display/alarm history data from PT.
Item Specification
Communications standard EIA RS-232C
Communications settings Start-stop synchronization
Communications speed: 9600, 19200 bps
Data length: 7 bits
Stop bit: 2 bits
Parity: Even
Connector 9-pin D-SUB connector (female) (serial port A, B)
Number of Units connected 1:1
Transmission distance Max. 15 m*
Communications protocol C-series SYSWAY (1:N)
Item Specifications