Peripheral devices that can be connected, 17
Power consumption
, 245
Power input terminals
, 30
, 29
Power supply connection
, 33
, xv
Precautions to be observed when transmitting screen data
Principal Functions of NT631/NT631C
, 10
Printer cable
, 286
Printer connector
, 30
Programming console function
, 214
Programming environment
, 249
Protective sheet
, 287
, 281
Rated power supply voltage, 245
Recipe function
, 6
Recommended printers
, 36
Relationship between system program and hardware
, 277
Relationships among modes
, 130
Replaceable backlight
, 287
Replacement battery
, 288
Replacing the backlight
, 236
Replacing the battery
, 241
Reset switch
, 30
RS-232C adaptor
, 285
RS-232C/RS-422A Adapter
, 81, 285
RS-422A adaptor
, 285
, 130
, 29
RUN mode
, 130
Screen data composition and transmission units, 150
Screen data memory check
, 205
Selecting menu items
, 134
Serial Communications Board
, 48, 66, 70, 94
Serial Communications Unit
, 48
Serial port A
, 18, 26
Serial port A connector
, 30
Serial port B
, 18, 26
Serial port B connector
, 30
, 155
Setting "Screen Saver Movement"
, 170
Setting the "Buzzer Sound"
, 166
Setting the "Key Press Sound"
, 166
Setting the "Print Method"
, 169
Setting the "Printer Controller"
, 168
Setting the "Start-up Wait Time"
, 165
Setting the automatic reset function
, 179
Setting the bar code reader input function
, 184
Setting the communications type for serial port B
, 162
Setting the conditions for communications with the memory
link method
, 153
Setting the display language in the System Installer mode
Setting the history display method
, 175
Setting the host link method
, 155
Setting the Memory Link Method
, 160
Setting the NT link (1:1) method
, 157
Setting the NT link (1:N) method
, 158
Setting the resume function
, 177
Setting the retry count
, 182
Setting the screen saver start-up time
, 173
Setting the terminal resistance
, 92, 124
Setting the time-out interval
, 181
Shock resistance (operating)
, 245
Special features
, 249
Starting operation
, 163
Starting the NT31/NT31C
, 129
Storage ambient temperature
, 245
Support Tool
, 285
Switching from the System Menu to the RUN mode
, 135
Switching to the RUN mode
, 163
System configuration
, 16
System Installer Mode
, 130
System Menu
, 130
Terminal resistance setting terminals, 92
Transmit Mode
, 131
Transmitting the screen data
, 149
Transporting and Storing the NT631/NT631C
, 265