
Application (View)
Selecting pictures to play back [Filtering Play]
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You can narrow down the pictures to be displayed with set filters, such as recording
dates, categories, or favorite pictures.
Select [Filtering Play] from the [Playback Mode] menu (→159)
Use to select the filtering method and press [MENU/SET]
[Picture Only] Play back still pictures. (→161)
[Video Only] Play back motion pictures. (→161)
[3D Play] Play back only 3D still pictures. (→161)
[GPS Area
Select the location name of the place where the pictures were taken or the
landmark name, and play the pictures back. (→161)
[Travel] Play back pictures with [Travel Date] that have been set at the time of their
recording. (→162)
Play back pictures that have been narrowed down by category, such as
Scene Mode. (→162)
[Select Date] Select the date when the pictures were taken, and play the pictures back.
[Favorite] Play back pictures set as [Favorite]. (→163)
About operations during [Filtering Play]
During [Filtering Play], the operation when is pressed in the 1-picture Playback
screen is different. Select the operation you want to perform and press [MENU/SET].
• [Retouch]: Retouching pictures (→167)
• [Burst Play]: Play back continuously recorded still pictures, one after another (→157)
• [Play Video]: Play back motion pictures (→56)
• [Play Panorama]: Play back panorama pictures (→122)
• [Change Date]: Change recording date to display (→163)
• [Filtering Off]: Switch Playback Mode to [All] (→159)
Cancel filtering
During [Filtering Play], only pictures under the set filters are displayed.
In the following cases, filtering will be canceled.
• When is pressed in the 1-picture Playback screen and [Filtering Off] is selected
• When [All] is selected from the [Playback Mode] menu
• When switching to Recording Mode
• When the camera is turned off