
Using WEB services
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Images uploaded to the WEB service cannot be displayed or deleted with this camera.
Check images by accessing the WEB service with your smartphone or computer.
If sending images fails, a report email outlining the failure will be sent to the email
address registered with “LUMIX CLUB”.
Images may contain personal information that can be used to identify the user,
such as a title, the time and date when the images were taken, and the location
where the image was taken. Check this information before uploading images to
WEB services.
Panasonic assumes no responsibility for the damages resulting from the leakage,
loss, etc. of images uploaded on WEB services.
When uploading images to the WEB service, do not delete images from this
camera, even after they have finished sending, until you have checked that
they have been properly uploaded to the WEB service. Panasonic assumes no
responsibility for the damages resulting from the deletion of images stored in this