
COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
5-72 January 1997 6800-A2-GN22-30
10. The system responds:
X-One Setup Utility
Press any key to continue
PRESS: Enter
11. The system prompts:
Select Mouse type
1. Mouse type device (pre-loaded driver)
2. Microsoft serial mouse
3. Logitech serial mouse
4. Mouse Systems serial mouse
Enter selection or ‘q’ to Quit [1]:
PRESS: Enter
12. The system prompts:
Would you like to use the graphics board configuration detected by
Xsetup (y/n)? [y]:
PRESS: Enter
Select graphics mode
1. 640x480 displayed in 816x640 virtual space 16 colors
2. 640x480 16 colors
3. 640x480 displayed in 640x816 virtual space 16 colors
4. 640x480 displayed in 1088x480 virtual space 16 colors
5. 800x600 16 colors
6. 640x480 256 colors
7. 800x600 256 colors
8. .
Enter selection or ‘q’ to Quit [15]:
PRESS: Enter
Select Monitor Size
1. 11 inch
2. 14 inch
3. 15 inch
4. 16 inch
5. 17 inch
6. 19 inch
7. 21 inch
8. other
Enter selection of ‘q’ to Quit [1]: