Displaying System Information
April 1998
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For the FXO Voice APM (Cont’d)
T-R Receive Status of what the attached device is doing with the Tip
and Ring leads of the FXO port.
H RbTo. Attached device has battery applied to the
Ring lead and the Tip lead is opened
H RbTg. Attached device has battery applied to the
Ring lead and the Tip lead is grounded
H TbRg. Attached device has battery applied to the Tip
lead and the Ring lead is grounded
H Ring. Attached device is applying Ringing voltage
between Tip and Ring
H ToRo. Attached device has both Tip and Ring leads
H TgRo. Attached device has the Tip lead grounded
and the Ring lead open.
H TgR*. Attached device has the Tip lead grounded
and the Ring lead state is unknown.
H ToR*. Attached device has the Tip lead open and the
Ring lead state is unknown.
H RoT*. Attached device has the Ring lead open and
the Tip lead state is unknown.
Trunk Cond CGA Displays the status of trunk conditioning (On during
CGA, Off for no CGA).