Setting Up
April 1998
Recommended Order of Configuration
The menu tree is organized in the recommended order of configuration. See
Appendix A,
Menus and Configuration Worksheets
, for a graphical view of the
system layout. Use the worksheets to keep track of the configuration option
Configuration Option Areas
The T1 access unit offers four configuration option storage areas:
Configuration Option Area
Current Configuration The T1 access unit’s set of currently active
configuration options.
Customer Configuration 1 The first of two alternate sets of configurations that can
be set up by the customer and stored for future use.
Customer Configuration 2 The second of two alternate sets of configurations that
can be set up by the customer and stored for future use.
Default Factory Configuration A read-only configuration area containing the factory
default configuration options.
You can load and edit the default factory configuration
settings, but you can only save those changes to the
Current, Customer 1, and Customer 2 configuration
option areas.
The Current, Customer 1, and Customer 2 configuration
option areas are identical to the Default Factory
Configuration until modified by the customer.
Accessing and Displaying Configuration Options
To access and display the configuration options, you must first load (copy) the
applicable configuration option set into the edit area.
If your T1 access unit is operating at any speed other than the default
(19.2 kbps) and you attempt to load factory default configuration options, you
could lose your communication link.
" Procedure
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
2. The Load Configuration From screen appears. Select the configuration option
area you want to load and press Return. The selected configuration option
set is loaded into the configuration edit area and the Configuration
Edit/Display screen appears.