Reector R80/E80
Incandescent Reector
Reector R80/E80
Incandescent Reector
Lighting effects
Homes, shops, shop windows and displays, restaurants, r
hotels, exhibitions, bars and night clubs
Why choose?
Beam spread and luminous intensity make these lamps r
especially suitable wherever space is limited and in small
Technical Features
Blown glass bulb with frosted frontr
Wide choice of diameters and wattagesr
Lamp is designed to achieve brilliant indoor lighting effectsr
Product Description
Normal incandescent lamps with an internal ring-shaped r
parabolic aluminium mirror behind the lament
Dimensions in mm C D
max. max.
E80 113 80
NR80 115 80
E80 NR80
Reector E80
Preferred selection
Product ID Lamp Lamp Cap/ Bulb Beam Finish Luminous Avg Operating Packaging Order Code
Wattage Voltage Base Shape Angle Intensity Lifetime Position Type
(W) (V) (degrees) (cd) (hrs) 8711500
Reector E80
Reector E80 40W 230V & E80 50D Frosted 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 60W 125-130V & E80 80D Frosted 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 60W 230V & E80 50D Frosted 580 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 60W 230V & E80 80D Frosted 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 60W 240V & E80 80D Frosted 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 8 230V & E80 50D Frosted 1000 any 1CT 02863140
Reector E80 8 230V & E80 80D Frosted 360 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 8 240V & E80 80D Frosted 360 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 8 240V & E80 80D Frosted 360 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 100W 125-130V & E80 80D Frosted 530 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 100W 125-130V & E80 80D Frosted 530 1000 any 1CT 04659840
Reector E80 100W 230V & E80 50D Frosted 1050 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 100W 230V & E80 80D Frosted 530 1000 any 1CT
Reector E80 100W 240V & E80 80D Frosted 530 1000 any 1CT
Reector R80
Reector R80 60W 230V & NR80 25D Frosted 1000 1000 any 1CT
Reector R80 60W 240V & NR80 25D Frosted 1000 1000 any 1CT
Reector R80 8 230V & NR80 25D Frosted 1600 1000 any 1CT
Reector R80 8 240V & NR80 25D Frosted 1600 1000 any 1CT
Reector R80 100W 230V & NR80 25D Frosted 2000 1000 any 1CT
Reector R80 100W 240V & NR80 25D Frosted 2000 1000 any 1CT