MASTER HPI Plus (Daylight)
MASTER HPI Plus (Daylight)
Safety and comfort
High bay lighting, e.g. industrial workshops, exhibition halls, r
hypermarkets, shopping malls, DIY stores, churches, airports
and train stations
Why choose?
High safety and comfort level, maintained over lifer
Minimal maintenance costr
Initial investment saving options with “Plus”-concept and “S” r
and “P”-types
Adjustable atmosphere creation by using appropriate colour r
Technical Features
Ovoid, internally white coated outer bulbr
Unique 3-band technology resulting in high luminous efcacy, r
both initially and over long lifetime
Available in cool white and daylightr
Colour appearance demonstrating good colour stabilityr
HPI Plus BU-P and BUS-P suitable for use in open luminairesr
For other HPI Plus lamps a protective front glass is requiredr
Dimensions in mm C D
max. max.
HPI BU/BU-P 250W 262 91
HPI BU/BU-P 400W 284 122
HPI BUS/BUS-P 400W 290 122
Preferred selection
Product ID Cap/ Packing Colour Colour Luminous Operating Order Code
Base Conguration Rendering Temp. Flux Lamp Position
Index EM
) (K) (lm) 8711500
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& E40 12 69 4300 18000 H15 18114515
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& E40 12 69 18000 H15
."45&3)1*1MVT8#61& E40 12 69 4300 18000 H15
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& E40 6 69 4300 32500 H15 18252410
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& E40 6 69 32500 H15
."45&3)1*1MVT8#61& E40 6 69 4300 32500 H15 21143910
."45&3)1*1MVT8#64& E40 6 69 4300 32500 H15 18111410
."45&3)1*1MVT8#641& E40 6 69 4300 32500 H15 21145310
Product ID Mains Lamp Bulb Lamp Luminous Lamp
Voltage Voltage Finish Current EM Efcacy Lamp EM Wattage EM
(V) (V) (A) (lm/W)
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& 198 128 Coated 2.2 253
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& 198 125 Coated 2.2 253
."45&3)1*1MVT8#61& 198 128 Coated 2.2 253
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& 198 125 Coated 3.4 82 395
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& 198 125 Coated 3.4 82 395
."45&3)1*1MVT8#61& 198 125 Coated 3.4 82 395
."45&3)1*1MVT8#64& 198 125 Coated 3.4 82 395
."45&3)1*1MVT8#641& 198 125 Coated 3.4 82 395
Product ID Recommended Net weight Ignition Supply Colour
Ballast per piece Voltage min. Designation
(g) (V)
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& BHL250 L302 ITS 182 198 Cool White
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& BHL250 L302 ITS 192 198 Daylight
."45&3)1*1MVT8#61& BHL250 L302 ITS 190 198 Cool White
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& BHL400 L302 ITS 250 198 Cool White
."45&3)1*1MVT8#6& BHL400 L302 ITS 250 198 Daylight