Vital Signs, Blood Review and Graphs
Data Transfer 10-17
Data Transfer
Vital Signs, Blood Review and Graphs
Some functions under Trends and Procedures are unavailable during
transfers of patient data.
Transferred data is not entered into the module database until up to one
minute after it enters the monitoring system. Because of this delay, during
updates to the module, some aperiodic data may not be transferred for up
to 2 minutes after the actual time it was obtained.
Time Stamp Transferred data is identified in Patient Data displays by a âTâ placed
before the time in the Vital Signs, Graph Trends, and Calculation Review
task windows. Transferred data is labeled relative to the time in the
destination monitor. The Data Transfer module has a clock which ages
the data the exact amount of time which has transpired between when the
measurement was obtained and when the data is put into the receiving
To the Monitor
To the Module
Vital Signs
Blood Review
Graph Trend
Discharg Patient
End Case
ST Analysis
Discharg Patient
End Case