30. Push on the protruding adjuster drum stem to
remove it from CD housing. (Fig. 12)
31. Remove the adjuster drum sealing o--ring using a
scribe or dental pick. Use extreme caution not to
scratch o--ring groove. Clean the adjuster drum
with cleaning solvent.
32. Remove the paper towels from the body tube and
reservoir. Clean the body tube, reservoir tube,
IFP, and CD housing thoroughly with solvent. Dry
with compressed air in a well ventilated area. If
compressed air is not available, dry parts using
clean, lint free paper towels and let sit in a well
ventilated area to allow the solvents to evaporate.
33. Lubricate the new adjuster drum o--ring with
assembly lube and carefully install it onto the
drum. Check to make sure the o--ring is not
twisted and is installed correctly.
34. Insert the adjuster drum into CD housing using
even pressure to avoid damaging the o--ring.
When the adjuster drum is seated properly, the
adjuster drum should be flush with the inside
surface of the CD housing. (Fig. 13) Check to
make sure the drum rotates freely in the bore, and
orient the largest cavity of the adjuster drum with
the bleed hole (large hole) in the CD housing.
35. Lubricate and carefully install the damp plate
sealing o--ring inside the CD housing. Make sure
o--ring is properly seated.
36. Insert the damp plate assembly into CD housing
with the 5/32” hex head facing out. Align the slot at
top of damp plate with the bleed hole in the CD
housing. (Fig. 14) Seat the damp plate into CD
housing, using even pressure in order to not
damage the o--ring. Continue applying pressure
to damp plate until it bottoms in CD housing.
Insert the wire--retaining ring. The end of the
retaining ring should be aligned with the access
hole in the side of CD housing for ease of future
service on the shock. Check to make sure the
retaining ring is properly seated in groove. You
may need to use a 5/32” hex key to twist the damp
plate assembly clockwise slightly to get the wire
ring to seat fully.
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