Inspection, adjustment and lubrication intervals of important components are listed in the following chart.
Maintenance intervals are based upon average riding conditions and vehicle speed.
The following symbols denote potential items to be aware of during maintenance:
H= CAUTION: Due to the nature of these adjustments, it is recommended this service be performed
by an authorized Polaris dealer.
"= SEVERE USE ITEM ----If vehicle is subjected to severe use, decrease interval by 50% (Sever e Use is def i ned
as frequent vehicle imm er sion in mud, water or sand, raci ng or race-styl e high rpm use, manual slippi ng of the clutch
prol onged low speed - heavy load operation or extended idl e. More preventative maintenance is requi r ed under these
condit i ons. Fluid changes, cable, chain and chassis lubr i cat ion are requi r ed mor e fr equent l y. For engi ne oil , shor t t r i p cold
weather riding also consti t utes severe use. Pay special at tention to oil level. A ri si ng oil level i n cold weather can indicat e
contaminants collect ing in the oil sump or crankcase. Change oil im mediatel y and monitor level. If oil l evel begi ns to rise,
discont i nue use and deter mi ne cause.
E= Emission Control System Service (California).
NOTE: Inspection may reveal the need for replacement parts. Always use genuine Polaris parts.
Item Maintenance Interval
(Whichever comes first)
Hours Calendar Miles
Engine Oil - Level/Change 10 hrs -- 100 (160) Check level pre--ride
Break--In service at 1 hour
Oil Filter 10 hrs -- 100 (160) Replace with oil change
Air Filter - Pre-Filter Daily Daily -- Inspect, clean more often
in dirty or wet conditions
Air Filter - Main Element Weekly Weekly -- Inspect - Replace if necessary
" Air Box Sediment Tube -- Daily -- Drain deposits whenever visible
" Engine Breather Filter 20 hrs Monthly 200 (320) Inspect and clean if necessary
Idle Speed As required As required -- Adjust as required
Throttle Cable / ETC Switch 50 hrs 6months 500 (800) Inspect -Adjust, Lubricate, Replace if necessary
Choke (Enricher) Cable 50 hrs 6months 500 (800) Inspect -Adjust, Lubricate, Replace if necessary
Carburetor Float Bowl 50 hrs 6months 500 (800) Drain bowl periodically and prior to storage
Carburetor Air Intake Ducts/Flange 50 hrs 6months 500 (800) Inspect all ducts for proper sealing/air leaks
Fuel System 100 hrs 12 months 1000 (1600) Check for leaks at tank cap, lines, fuel valve, filter,
pump & carburetor. Replace lines every 2 years.
Coolant/Level Inspection Daily Daily Replace engine coolant every 2 years
Coolant Strength /
System Pressure Test
100 hrs 6months 1000 (1600) Inspect strength seasonally;
Pressure test system annually
" Radiator 100 hrs 12 months 1000 (1600) Inspect / Clean external surfaces
" Cooling and Oil System Hoses 100 hrs 12 months 1000 (1600) Pre--ride / Inspect for leaks
" Engine Mounts 100 hrs 12 months 1000 (1600) Pre--ride / Inspect
Exhaust Muffler / Pipe 100 hrs 12 months 1000 (1600) Pre--ride / Inspect
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