6. Remove auxiliary brake mounting bracket from
frame and secure out of way for transmission
7. Remove PVT outer cover, both drive and driven
clutch, and inner PVT cover (refer to Clutch
Chapter 6).
8. Use the Roll Pin Removal Tool (PN 2872608)to
remove the roll pins from the front prop shaft and
the rear prop shaft. Remove the front propshaft.
Roll Pin
9. Loosen or remove the bolts that secure the rear
gearcase. Move the rear gearcase back just
enough to slide the rear propshaft from the
transmission shaft.
Remove or Loosen
Rear Gearcase Bolts
10. Remove the park lock spring.
Park Lock Spring
11. Remove left side transmission bracket, rear
bracket, and lower right bracket bolt.
12. Remove front transmission-to-engine mount
bolts. See illustration.
13. Remove transmission from right side of frame.
1. Install transmission from right side of vehicle.
2. Align rear output shaft to rear propshaft yoke and
roll pin hole.
3. Slide rear output shaft into propshaft yoke.
4. Position transmission in frame.
5. Install front propshaft and roll pin.
6. Loosely install left side and rear mounting brackets.
7. Loosely install lower right bracket bolt.
8. Loosely install front mounting bolts.
9. Tighten mounting fasteners in order A-F as shown.
NOTE: Align clutches as outlined in Clutch Chapter 6.
Transmission Mounting
Bolts Torque
25 ft. lbs. (34.5 Nm)