Always wear safety glasses and proper shop
clothing when performing the procedures in this
manual. Failing to do so may lead to possible
injury or death.
1. Clean work area.
2. Thoroughly clean the ATV engine and chassis.
3. Disconnect battery negative (-) cable.
4. Remove the following parts as required:
S Seat
S Left and Right Side Covers (Refer to
Chapter 5)
S Fuel Tank Cover / Front Cab (Refer to
Chapter 5)
S Fuel Tank (Refer to Chapter 4)
5. Remove springs from exhaust pipe and remove
6. Drain coolant and engine oil.
7. Remove air pre-cleaner and duct.
8. Remove airbox.
9. Disconnect the throttle body sensor (C) and the
T--map sensor (D). Remove throttle body (A).
Insert a shop towel into the engine intake to
prevent dirt from entering the intake port.
10. Relieve the fuel pressure in the fuel rail (refer to
Chapter 4, “FUEL INJECTION”) for proper
procedure. Carefully remove the fuel rail (B) and
11. Disconnect spark plug high tension leads.
12. Remove the crank position sensor (E) located on
the mag cover.
13. Remove the air breather line .
14. Disconnect the coolant hoses. Properly dispose
of any antifreeze from the engine or hoses.
15. Refer to PVT System Chapter 6 to remove outer
clutch cover, drive belt, drive clutch, driven clutch,
and inner cover (F).
16. When removing starter cables, note and mark
ground cable and positive(+) cable mounting
angle and locations . Remove cables.
17. Remove transmission linkage rod from gear
selector and secure out of the way.
18. Disconnect coolant temperature sensor wire
located on the cylinder.
19. Remove engine to chassis ground cable.
20. Remove all engine mount nuts and / or engine
mount plates. Remove the frame brace (F) from
the front left side of the frame.