
Users and Groups
Polycom, Inc. 315
Authentication Required Dialog
In maximum security mode, changing a user’s password requires you to authenticate yourself. Enter your
password and click OK.
See also:
Edit User Dialog
Select Associated Endpoints Dialog
Lets you associate an endpoint with the selected user.
Use the search fields at the top of the dialog to find the endpoint you want to associate with this user. Select
it in the table below and click OK. The dialog closes and the endpoint is added to the user’s Associated
endpoints list.
See also:
Add User Dialog
Edit User Dialog
Conference Rooms Dialog
Lets you view, add, edit, and delete the selected user’s conference rooms (virtual meeting rooms, or VMRs).
A user may have three kinds of conference rooms:
One enterprise conference room (if this is an enterprise user) automatically assigned to the user as
part of the Active Directory integration process. You can’t delete this conference room, but you can
modify it.
Custom conference rooms manually added using the Add command in this dialog.
Calendared conference rooms created automatically when the user uses the Polycom Conferencing
Add-in for Microsoft Outlook to set up Polycom Conference meetings in Outlook. You can modify
some of the settings for these conference rooms, but not the ones set in the meeting invitation.
In addition, if you have a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system connected to the
RealPresence DMA system’s RealPresence Platform API, the RealPresence Resource Manager system
can create conference rooms (VMRs) in the RealPresence DMA system. There are two kinds:
Note: RealPresence Resource Manager integration and user-to-device association
If the Polycom RealPresence DMA system is integrated with a Polycom RealPresence Resource
Manager system, it receives user-to-device association information from that system, and you can
only associate users with devices on the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system.
Note: Managing endpoint associations
You can also manage endpoint associations on the Endpoints page (see Associate User Dialog).
Note: User accounts need assigned rooms or roles
A user account that has neither a conference room nor an explicitly assigned role serves no purpose.