Polycom RealPresence DMA System SNMP Support
Polycom, Inc. 436
Download MIBs
You can download any of the Polycom MIBs from the SNMP Settings page. Polycom recommends using a
MIB browser to explore the DMA system MIB. The DMA system MIB is self-documenting, including
information about the purpose of specific traps and inform notifications.
To download the MIB package for a DMA system
1 Go to Admin > SNMP Settings.
2 Click Download MIBs.
3 In the MIBs dialog, select the MIB of interest and click Download.
4 Specify a name and location, and click Save.
See Available SNMP MIBs for a description of the available MIBs on the DMA system.
Available SNMP MIBs
The following table describes the MIBs that are on the Polycom DMA system.
Notification type The type of notification that this agent sends to the notification receiver:
• Inform — The agent sends an unsolicited message to a notification receiver
and expects/requires the receiver to respond with a confirmation message.
Introduced with SNMP version 2c, this option is not supported by network
management systems that only support SNMP version 1.
• Trap—The agent sends an unsolicited message to a notification receiver
and does not expect/require a confirmation message.
SNMP version The version of SNMP supported (v2c or v3). See SNMP Versions.
Security user For SNMPv3, the security user to receive notifications from this agent. The list
contains the names of the security users in the Notification Users list.
Name Description
JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB MIB for monitoring the state of the Java Virtual Machine.
POLYCOM-BASE-MIB Base MIB for Polycom products.
POLYCOM-DMA-MIB RealPresence DMA system-specific MIB.
MIB for monitoring MCUs in use with the system.
RFC1213-MIB RFC1213 MIB definitions included for reference. The RealPresence DMA
system supports all but egp.
SNMPv2-CONF A definition file for standard conventions included for reference.
SNMPv2-SMI A definition file for standard conventions included for reference.
Setting Description