
Chapter 18
Appendix B: Telnet/Terminal Commands
Parameters Description
Parameter Description
Defaults to 120 seconds and can be modified to any value in
the range of 5 600 seconds
[Example] Set the timeout time to 60 seconds:
Reboot Device
Enter "reboot" after the prompt "#" to reboot the device.
Restore Password
Key in "reset password" after the prompt "#" to restore the user password for
Web login to the default password (POLYCOM). The system displays the
prompt message "Are you sure?". Key in "Y" to proceed, or key in "N" to
cancel the setting.
After resetting the password, the RMX must be restarted in order for the new
settings to take effect.
[Example] Restore the Web login password to the default configuration:
Restore System Configuration
Enter "reset config" after the prompt "#" to restore the system to the default
configuration. The system displays the prompt message "Are you sure?".
Key in "Y" to proceed, or key in "N" to cancel the setting.
After resetting the system configuration, the RMX must be restarted in order
for the new settings to take effect.
Clean Key Code
Key in "cleankey" after the prompt "#" to remove the existing activation key.
This command is used to deactivate the RMX.