Field Fabrication
Rake/Gable Walls
Rake/Gable Walls – are easily calculated and
laid out on the panels. First, establish the short
side dimension. Next, mark this measurement
on both edges. Draw a line horizontally across
the panel. The rise across the panel will be
determined by your roof pitch. If your panel is
4’ wide, multiply the roof pitch by 4’ to get your
rise (in inches) on the other side of the panel.
For example, a 6:12 pitch will gain 24” (4’ x 6”
= 24”). An 8:12 pitch has a rise of 32” (4’ x
8” = 32”) and so on. Again, square across the
panel skins prior to making your cut. (Flipping
the panel is easier if you layout and cut your
panels on a sawhorse.) Recess the foam to the
appropriate depth.