Panel Core
Panel Span (ft.)
4’ 8’ 10’ 12’ 14’ 16’ 18’ 20’ 22’ 24’
7 1/4”
L/360 132 136 93 60 48 40 29 21
L/240 318* 148* 107* 91 70 54 42 31
L/180 318* 148* 107* 92*
85 54 48 40
9 1/4”
L/360 197 164* 124* 72 66 61 48 34 29 24
L/240 318* 164* 124* 107* 96* 84* 70 49 43 36
L/180 318* 164* 124* 107* 96* 84*
65 56 47
11 1/4”
L/360 258 143* 103* 86 83 77* 61 42 37 31
L/240 318* 143* 103* 93* 85* 77* 68* 59* 54* 47
L/180 318* 143* 103* 93* 85* 77* 68* 59* 54* 49*
Transverse Load Chart 5:
Premier SIPs Type I (I-Joist)
Transverse Load Chart (psf)
* indicates ultimate load divided by 3 for the design capacity.
4’ span is a minimum two span condition.
Panels require a minimum of 1-1/2” bearing.
I-Joist splines are spaced 4’ o.c.
Floor panels should have a 3/4” minimum top skin or a 7/16” top skin overlayed with 7/16”
finish flooring perpendicular to the panels.
More information on this chart can be found in Technical Bulletin #13 (www.pbssips.com).
Refer to Technical Bulletin #21 for floor applications (www.pbssips.com).
Maximum Roof SpanMaximum Floor Span