3. Printing Preferences
3.1. Introduction into driver and print technology
In graphic user interfaces all options are shown dynamically as there are card feeding, loading card
in magazine, card leaving the printer etc.
The printing technology contains printing of the colors as a mixture from Yellow, Magenta and
Cyan ("Y", "M", "C"). Black ("K"), also known as Carbon black or process black, is often available
on color ribbons. The reason for the use of Carbon ("K") black is that a full mixture of Yellow,
Magenta and Cyan results in a dark, but not pure black. As a consequence it is common to print
strings, barcodes etc. with Carbon ("K") black for achieving a better and sharper impression.
The print order per full color site with an YMCK ribbon appears as following:
Yellow Magenta Cyan Carbon (K)
P r i n t d i r e c t i o n
For special needs, we are also offering color ribbons with an additional K field. This is a useful
option if e.g. a customer needs to print the front of a card in YMCK while on the back of the card
has to be printed only some text information in K. The CMYKK ribbon enables this process without
the use of a double patch of YMCK and is very cost saving.
The print order per full color site with an YMCKK ribbon appears as following:
Yellow Magenta Cyan Carbon (K) Carbon (K)
P r i n t d i r e c t i o n