6.2.3. Format Templates
Some applications require different encodings, depending on the layout of the card, but use one
chip type.
Plugins can be developed to support multiple encoding styles, definitions, formats, and all in
In order to understand what "Format Templates" do, let's have a look at the following example.
Keep in mind that there are several ways
to achieve this, depending on the plugin and the
requirement specification!!!
This is only an example demonstrating how a sophisticated plugin *could*
handle the
case. This does not work with all plugins and it requires the plugin to contain support for
Format Templates!
Assume we have two cards with different layouts:
The first one is a guest card that should contain only a sequential serial number, which must be
written to sector 0 using the key "1234", has 10 digits and should be filled with leading zeroes. We
call it the "SeqSerNumber".
The second card is an employee card that should contain the employee number, which must be
written to sector 0 using the same key as the guest card, and the first and last name of the
employee, along with his birth date, which must be written to sector 1 using a highly secure key.
The field names (and lengths) are "EmployeeNo" (10) and "Firstname" (20), "Lastname" (20),
"BDate" (YY-MM-DD).
Using the same chip cards for both layouts allows using the same plugin, just with different
"definitions" on what and how to encode.
For the two different encoding requirements, we would create two "Format Templates". Each of
them contains the description of each request, so Format Template 1 would contain the following
Format Template "Guest"
Fieldname Sector Key Len Filler Format
SeqSerNum 0 1234 10 0 Num
and Format Template 2 would contain the definition:
Format Template "Employee"
Fieldname Sector Key Len Filler Format
EmployeeNo 0 1234 10 leading 0 Num
Firstname 1
20 trailing spaces Text
Lastname 1
20 trailing spaces Text
BDate 1
- - Date