
18 IsoPlane
SCT 320 Manual Version 1.B
2.8.4 Focusing the Spectrometer
Figure 2-10. Micrometer Compartment Location
The basic actions for focusing the spectrometer
are listed below. This general procedure
assumes that you have already mounted the
array detector to the exit port of the
spectrograph and that there is a light source at
the entrance port. Refer to Chapter 3 of this
manual for detailed LightField and WinSpec
instructions for performing this function. For
other application software, refer to that
software’s manual or help file.
1. Using a 9/64” hex wrench, unscrew the four
screws that secure the Micrometer
Compartment cover (see Figure 2-10).
2. Set the screws aside.
3. Remove the Micrometer Compartment
cover and set it aside.
4. Using a 5/64” hex wrench, loosen the locking set screw shown in Figure 2-11.
5. While continuously acquiring data from a spectral line source, adjust the micrometer
until the half width of the peak is at a minimum. Note that as focus is improved, the
intensity of the spectral line will increase. It is important to adjust the acquisition time to
keep the entire spectral line on scale.
6. Tighten down the locking set screw.
7. Place the Micrometer Compartment cover on the spectrograph. Replace and tighten all of
the cover screws.
Figure 2-11. Micrometer Locking Set Screw
Locking Set Screw
Micrometer Compartment