
Chapter 1 IsoPlane
SCT 320 Description
1.1 Introduction
This manual is intended to help you set up and operate your new IsoPlane SCT 320
spectrograph. Even if you are an experienced user of spectroscopic equipment, we suggest that
you follow the manual (at least initially) to insure proper setup and operation. If you have any
questions about the information contained in this manual, please feel free to contact the
Princeton Instruments customer service department at techsupport@princetoninstruments.com or
800-874-9789 / 609-587-9797.
1.2 IsoPlane SCT 320 Description
The IsoPlane SCT 320 (IsoPlane) is a 320 mm focal length spectrograph. Its advanced optical
design reduces astigmatism to zero, increasing spatial and spectral resolution dramatically over
traditional spectrographs. Large-diameter optics and interchangeable triple-grating turrets permit
operation from the UV to NIR with extremely low light levels at high, low or intermediate
spectral resolution. IsoPlane includes 32-bit microprocessor controlled scanning, built-in USB
and RS-232 interfaces, and a micrometer-controlled entrance slit. In addition, it has a direct
digital grating scan mechanism with full wavelength and grating control capabilities. The
IsoPlane works seamlessly with Princeton Instruments’ industry-leading CCD, EMCCD, ICCD
and InGaAs array detectors and Princeton Instruments’ LightField
with IntelliCal
WinSpec data acquisition software packages.
Figure 1-1. Light Path within the IsoPlane SCT 320