Tsunami MP.11and MP.11a Installation and Management
In some cases, it may be necessary to upgrade the embedded software of the MP.11/a by downloading
an image file. To download an image file through the Web Interface:
1. Set up the TFTP server as described in “TFTP Server Setup” on page 103.
2. Access the MP.11/a as described in “Web Interface Overview” on page 22.
3. Click the Commands button and the Download tab.
4. Fill in the following details:
Server IP Address <IP address TFTP server>
File Name <image file name>
File Type Image
File Operation Download
5. Click OK to start the file transfer.
The MP.11/a downloads the image file. The TFTP server program should show download activity after a
few seconds. When the download is complete, the MP.11/a is ready to start the embedded software.
You can back up the MP.11/a configuration by uploading the configuration file. You can use this file to
restore the configuration or to configure another MP.11/a (see “Configuration Restore” on page 105).
To upload a configuration file through the Web Interface:
1. Set up the TFTP server as described in “TFTP Server Setup” on page 103.
2. Access the MP.11/a as described in “Web Interface Overview” on page 22.
3. Click the Commands button and the Upload tab.
4. Fill in the following details:
Server IP Address <IP address TFTP server>
File Name <configuration file name>
File Type Config
File Operation Upload
5. Click OK to start the file transfer.
The MP.11/a uploads the configuration file. The TFTP server program should show upload activity after
a few seconds. When the upload is complete, the configuration is backed up.
Chapter 7. Procedures 104
CPN 65755 Issue Date: August 2003