
Tsunami MP.11and MP.11a Installation and Management
The CLI supports these navigation and special key functions to move the cursor along the prompt line:
Key Combination Description
Delete or Backspace Delete previous character
Ctrl–A Move cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl–E Move cursor to end of line
Ctrl–F Move cursor forward one character
Ctrl–B Move cursor back one character
Ctrl–D Delete the character the cursor is on
Ctrl–U Delete all text to the left of the cursor
Ctrl–P Go to the previous line in the history buffer
Ctrl–N Go to the next line in the history buffer
Tab Complete the command line
? List available commands
The commands listed in the following table are described in more detail in the following subsections.
Command Action
? Lists commands
done Disconnects and closes the current CLI session
download Transfer files from the TFTP server to the MP.11/a
exit (page Disconnects and closes the current CLI session
help View command specifics or control-key sequences you can use to navigate
history Lists commands previously entered
log Manage the event log file maintained by the MP.11a
passwd Change the password used to access the CLI
quit Disconnects and closes the current CLI session
reboot Signal the MP.11/a to reboot after a specified number of seconds
save Save the current MP.11/a configuration to flash memory
search Display the parameter entries in a specified table
set Change parameter values
show View parameter and statistical values
upload Transfer files from the MP.11/a to the TFTP server
Also see “Show and Set Parameters” on page 88 and “Table Parameters” on page 97.
Chapter 6. Command Line Interface 81
CPN 65755 Issue Date: August 2003