
Buzzer, and turning the item on again. The buzzer symbol
at the bottom of the screen will appear solid.
Each time you press one of the buttons on the display
panel, the buzzer will “beep. The buzzer will continue to
do this, regardless of the setting of the Buzzer option in the
System Setup display.
Depth Units This item sets the units used by the depth display. You can
choose feet (FT), fathoms (FA), or meters (M). Use the <
and > controls to make your choice.
If you are done with your setup changes, press the
button to go back
to the normal display.
Setup Instructions for Sidelooker
Some installations include the optional Sidelooker transducer. We
described the operation of this transducer in Section 3. If your boat has
this transducer, there are some extra setup steps required.
The Sidelooker feature must be turned on using the System Setup display.
Press the
button twice to reach this display. Press the
arrow on
the Page control pad three times to reach the line labeled “Sidelook.
Press the > arrow on the control to turn the feature on.
The System Setup display includes a line which allows you to set the
Chart Speed. This setting for Chart Speed affects the standard displays,
and also the Sidelooker display.
Once the settings on the System Setup display are correct, press the
button to go back to the normal display.
Next, press the > arrow on the Page control pad until you see the
Sidelooker page.
The next job is to set up the range, sensitivity, and chart speed for the
Sidelooker feature. While the unit is displaying the Sidelooker page, press
button once. The setup menu for the Sidelooker range will
Setup Instructions