Setup Instructions
Depth Units This item sets the units used by the depth display. You can
choose feet (FT), fathoms (FA), or meters (M). Use the
< and > controls to make your choice.
Speed Units This item sets the units used by the speed display. The
same units are used for the distance (“log”) display. There
are three choices:
Code Units used for speedUnits used by
MPH Miles per hour Statute miles
KTS Knots Nautical miles
KPH Kilometers per hour Kilometers
Temp Units This item sets the units used by the temperature display.
You can choose Fahrenheit degrees (°F) or Celsius
degrees (°C). Use the < and > controls to make your
Speed A speed indication appears on all of the normal displays. If
you do not want to see this item, you can turn it off using
this line of the System Setup Menu. Use the < and >
controls to make your choice. (The value for Speed will still
appear on the Window and Digital Pages.)
Log On all of the normal displays, an entry for “log” indicates the
distance traveled. You can turn off this item using this line
of the System Setup Menu. Use the < and > controls to
make your choice. (The value for Log will still appear on
the Window and Digital Pages.) Notice that the units used
by the log are set by changing the entry for Speed Units.
Temp An entry for temperature appears on all of the normal
displays. You can turn this item off using this line of the
System Setup Menu. Use the < and > controls to make
your choice. (This item will still appear on the Window and
Digital Pages.)
you are done with your setup changes, press the
button to go back
to the normal display.