nn . . . n
Raster Font. Stored raster font select.
a = A CG Times
B CG Triumvirate
bb = 00 Normal
01 Bold
cccc = Horizontal size. (16 to 999 dots or P08 to P72 points)
dddd Vertical size. (16 to 999 dots or P08 to P72 points)
Page 4-37
RFaabbbb,nn..n Font/Graphic Recall. Recalls a stored font or graphic.
aa = Font ID number (00 to 99)
bbbb = Number of characters to print (0000 to 9999)
nn..n = Data to be printed
Page 4-36
S Font type. Specifies the 8W x 15H dot matrix font (including
Page 4-34
Tabcc(data) Store Custom Designed Characters. To create and store custom
characters or images in the printer’s volatile memory. See Kab90cc to
recall the character for printing.
a = 1 16 x 16 matrix
2 24 x 24 matrix
b = Specifies data stream format to follow
B Binary
H Hexadecimal
cc = Memory location to store the character.
Valid locations are 21 to 52 or “!” to “R” in hex values.
(data)= Data to describe the character.
Page 4-19
U Font type. Specifies a 5W x 9L dot matrix font (including descenders). Page 4-34
Vbbbb Vertical Position. Specifies a field’s vertical location down the length
of the label from the current base reference point. Units of
measurement are dots.
Page 4-58
CT400 CT412
bbbb = New Vertical Position 0001-3200 0001-4800
WBa Font type. Specifies the 18W x 30L dot matrix font (including
a = 0 Disables auto-smoothing of font
1 Enables auto-smoothing if expansion is greater than 3
Page 4-40
Copy Image Area. To copy an image to another location of the label.
aaaa = Horizontal position of the top left corner of image area
bbbb = Vertical position of the top left corner of image area
cccc = Horizontal length of image area
dddd = Vertical length of image area
Page 4-29
WKnn . . n Job Name. ASCII characters identifying the job name.
nn...n = Up to 16 ASCII characters
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Appendix A: Command Quick Reference
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