Data Matrix
Command Structure Data Format <ESC>BXaabbccddeeefffghh
aa = Format ID. 01 to 06
bb = Error correction level. 00 ,05, 08, 10, 14, 0r 20.
cc = Horizontal cell size. 03 - 12 dots/cell.
dd = Vertical cell size. 03 - 12 dots/cell.
eee = Number of cells in one line. Must use 000 to optimize.
fff = Number of cell lines. Must use 000 to optimize.
g = Mirror Image
0 = Normal Print
1 = Reverse Print
hh = Guide Cell Thickness. 01-15. 01 indicates normal type.
Sequential Numbering <ESC>FXaaabcccdddeee
aaa = Number of duplicate labels to be printed (001 - 999)
b = Increment or Decrement
+ = Increment
- = Decrement
ccc = Increment/Decrement Steps (001 - 999)
ddd = Sequential numbering start position (001 - 999)
Referenced to left side.
eee = Incremented data length measured from start position
(001 - 999)
Print Data <ESC>DCxxx...x
xx...x = Data
Appendix B: Bar Code Specifications
PageB-189001069A SATOCtSeriesPrinters