Do what feels good, but also remember to mix it up. Don’t just do traditional
“reach and hold” stretches. Also, try gently moving through a range of motion
that is comfortable to you. For example, you don’t have to stretch your neck
simply by pulling on your head with your hand. You can also just rotate the
neck slowly around and look side to side.
Of course, every good health and fitness program will also include a good
nutrition component. Good nutrition is likely the most important factor in main
taining ideal body weight and managing weight loss.
There are a variety of schools of thought regarding which nutrition program,
diet or eating plan is best. While we do not promote or endorse any particular
one, here are some things to consider that will help you get on the road to a
healthy diet:
Understand Caloric Balance.
How many Calories you intake, and how many
Calories you burn off will determine whether you will gain or lose weight day
to day. It is impossible to achieve weight loss without some sort of “Caloric
deficit” that can be obtained through cutting Calories, or burning off more than
you take in. The wisest approach is to do a little of both – cutting Calories and
exercising. It is the only proven long-term weight management program
that is successful. You should ensure that you are consuming at least 1,200
Calories per day total. A total weight loss of no more than 2 lbs. per week is
recommended for long-term weight management.
Eat a variety of foods. Regardless of your eating plan, you should be sure
to include a variety of foods in your diet, maximizing your intake of fruits and
vegetables whenever possible. Colorful meals and snacks that are divided
amongst the 4 food groups will ensure that you obtain the nutrients needed
for your body to function at optimal levels. Any diet that focuses on just one
food group source or processed foods can be unhealthy in the long run, and
should be avoided. Don’t focus too much on any particular meal or snack, but
rather on your overall intake of a variety of different foods during any given
Drink water. Our bodies are made up of over 70% water, and most of us
don’t drink enough. Carry water with you everywhere you go, and drink as
often as you can. This helps the body function at optimum levels, and can sig
nificantly help with weight management.
Eat more often and be mindful of your portions. Research has shown that
it can be helpful to eat smaller meals more often versus 3 larger meals a day
if you are looking to promote healthy weight maintenance or weight loss. And
we have discovered that many portions we eat are much larger than neces
sary, and can be laden with Calories. So, try snacking more and not eating so
many large meals, and share your snacks or food with others (or break your
portions in half) to help manage your Caloric intake.