These Zones can be translated into target heart rate numbers if your home
fitness product has a grip or telemetric heart rate counter. Research has
shown the best way to do this is not to establish heart rate numbers based
upon age, but rather based upon how you feel.
The following chart will allow you to log your heart rate numbers based upon
how you feel when working out. Simply log the heart rate numbers you find
when you feel you are working at each of the specific intensities.
As you get in better shape, the heart rate number you obtain for each zone
will get higher and higher, which means your heart is able to handle higher
intensities. Or you may find that your numbers don’t change, but you are able
to stay in Zone 3 and Zone 4 longer than you used to.
Don’t get too attached to any specific number or target heart rate. If you train
properly, you will notice numbers that used to be difficult have now become
easier. You will also notice that if you are sick or over-tired, you may find that
numbers that usually feel fairly easy are one day much harder, and it is a
good sign to take a break. If you notice that numbers that are usually very
challenging are one day fairly easy, then it is a good time to push yourself.
Listening to your body, and using your heart rate numbers (when available) will
enable you to keep track of your intensity and see your progress as you train.
A. Zone Description Your Heart Rate Approximate
Percentage of
Maximum Heart
1 Easy Insert the heart 50%-65%
Warm-Up rate you get when you
Cool-down are working in Zone 1
2 Challenging, but Insert the heart 65%-75%
comfortable rate you get when you
Steady endurance are working in Zone 2
3 Challenging and Insert the heart rate 75%-85%
uncomfortable you get when you are
Race pace working in Zone 3
4 Breathless Insert the heart rate 85%-95%
Not maximum, you get when you are
but winded working in Zone 4
Can’t keep the pace
for very long