LWARNING: To reduce the risk of burns,
fire, electricshockor injury to persons, read the follow-
ing important precautions and information before oper-
ating the CROSSWALK.
1. Placethe CROSSWALK on a level surface, with at
least 8 feet of clearance behind the treadmill. Do
not place the CROSSWALK near water, outdoors
or on a surfacethat blocksany air openings. Do
not operate the treadmill where aerosol products
are usedor where oxygen is being administered.
2. To connectthe power cord (see PLUGGING IN THE
POWERCORD on page 6), plug the power cord
directly intoa grounded circuitcapable of carrying
12 or more amps. No other appliance should be on
the same circuit.Keep the power cord away from
heated surfaces. If an extension cord is needed,
useonly a 14-gauge general-purpose cord of five
feet or lessin length, with a three-wire conductor.
3. Never move the walking belt while the power is
turned off. Do not operate the Imadmill if the
power cordor plug isdamaged, or ifthe CROSS
WALK is not working properly. (See BEFOREYOU
BEGINon page 4 if one of these conditionsexists.)
4. Wear appropriate clothing when exercising. Never
wear looseclothing that could become caught in
the CROSSWALK. Always wear athletic shoes;
never use the CROSSWALK with bare feet, wear-
ing only stockingsor in sandals. Athletic support
clothesare recommended for both men and
5. Never start the CROSSWALK while you are stand-
ing on the walking belt. Always hold the upper
body arms while exercising on the CROSSWALK.
6. To reducethe possibility of the CROSSWALK over-
heating, never operate the CROSSWALK continu-
ouslyfor longer than 1 hour.
7. The CROSSWALK shouldbe used only by persons
weighing 250 poundsor less. Never allow more
than one person an the CROSS WALK at a time.
8. Usethe CROSSWALK only as described in this
9. Keep smallchildrenaway from the CROSSWALK at
all times. Never leave the CROSSWALK unattended
while thewalking belt ismoving. Always remove the
safetykey when the CROSSWALK isnot in use.
10. Never drop or insertany object into any opening.
11. TheCROSSWALK iscapable of high speeds. Adjust
thespeed in small increments to avoid sudden
jumpsin speed.
12. Unplug the power cord before performing any of
the maintenance and adjustment procedures
describedin this manual. Never remove the motor
hood unlessinstructedto do soby an authorized
servicerepresentative. Servicingother than the pro-
ceduresdescribed in this manual should be per-
formedonly by an authorized service representative.
WARNING: Before beginning this or any
exerciseprogram, consultyour physician. This isespe-
cially important for personsover the age of 35 or per-
sonswith pre-existing health problems. Read all
instructionsbefore usingthe CROSSWALK. SEARS
assumesno responsibility for personal injury or proper-
ty damage sustainedby or through the useof the