To vary the intensity of your exercise, the inclineof the
CROSSWALK can be changed using_thelever on the
right sideof the console. To increasethe incline, stand
toward the back of the foot rails and pull back the lever
until the desired inclineis reached. To decrease the
incline,stand toward the front of the foot rails, lean for-
ward, and pull back thelever.You may need to raise
and lowerthe treadmi!lseveraltimesto break in the
inclineshock.CAUTION: Do not change the incline
while you are walking or runningon the CROSSWALK.
The upper bodyarms can be usedineither the stationary
positionor the dual motion position. To use the upper
bodyarms in the stationaryposition,insertthe lock pin
through he armsand the upright(seethe drawing
below). Important: If it isdifficulttoinsertthelock pin, do
not hit the end of the lockpin; twist each upper body
arm slighttyin order to align the holes.Do not twistthe
upper body arms too far or thetreadmillmay be dam-
aged. Firmlytightenthe resistance control. Insertthe hair-
pin cotter through the hale in theend of the lock pin (see
the insetdrawing.)
LockPin .......
To usethe upper body arms in the dual motion position,
firstmake sure the resistancecontrol istightened.
Removethe lock pin from the upper body armsand the
upright,and insertit through the safetytabsat the base
of theupright. Insertthe hairpin cotter intothe lockpin.
In the dual motion position, you can move the arms for-
ward and back as you walk or run, exercising your
arms, back and shoulders for a total body workout. To
tailor the intensity of your exercise, the resistance of the
arms can be changed. To increase the resistance, turn
the resistancecontrol clockwise;to decrease the resis-
tance, turn the control counterclockwise.
CAUTION: Always insertthe lock pin through the safely
tabs when using the upper body arms in the dual
motion position. If you fall while exercising, the lock
pin will limitthe downward movement of the arms.
When the lock pin isinsertedthrough the safely tabs,
do not lean on the upper body arms or the lock pin
may be damaged. If the hairpin cotter is not attached
to the lockpin as instructed,the lock pin may slipout,
resulting in injury to the user.
Thefourdisplays of the motivational fitness monitorare
designed to provide you with instantexercisefeedback.
To resetthe displays,pressthe ON/CLEAR button.The
four displays are described below:
TIME--This display showsthe elapsed time. Note: When
_e walking belt is stopped, the TIME display will go into
a pause mode after a few seconds.
CALORIE--Thisdisplay showsthe approximate number
of nutritional Calories thatyou haveburned.
SPEED--Thisdisplay showsthe current speed of the
walking belt, in milesper hour.
DISTANCE--This display showsthe total distancethat
you have walked or run, in miles.
Note: if the walking belt isstoppedand remainsstation-
ary for about five minutes,the four displaysof the moti-
vationalfitnessmonitorwill be reset and will darken,
althoughthe power will remain on. Thefour displayswill
appear again when the ON/CLEAR button ispressed,or
the walking belt isrestarted.
To turn offthe power, removethe safety key from the
console. The power indicatorwill darken. Store the safe-
17'key in a securelocation.