© 2003 Shure Incorporated DFR22 Software Guide 103
Preset Information and Current Preset Information
Preset Information and Current Preset Information
The Preset Information report lists the details of a specific preset that is stored in the device. When the “Individual Presets
from Device” dialog opens, select the device for which you would like to print a report from the [Device] pull-down list. Then
select the preset for which you would like to print a report and click [OK]. Refer to pages 102 and 103 for a report sample.
The Current Preset Information report is identical. It lists the details of the currently displayed preset.
Processor Information
The Processor Information report lists the settings of one or more processor
blocks. The “Individual Processor Blocks” dialog displays a list of all fixed and
drag-and-drop processors from the currently displayed preset. Click to select a
processor, or Shift + Click to select more than one, then click [OK]. Refer to
page 104 for a sample of this report.
FIGURE 10-3: “Individual Presets from Device” Dialog
FIGURE 10-4: “Currently Displayed Preset”
FIGURE 10-5: “Individual Processor Blocks”